Dried Fruits


Dried fruits – the natural vitamin and mineral complex offered us by nature.  The health benefits of dried fruits have been known to mankind since ancient times.

The tasty, dried-up slices of fruit were taken by ancient seafarers to fill in a lack of vitamins, minerals and other nutritious food substances. Physicians of olden times knew how dried fruits are useful: they even registered them as medicinal and as a prophylactic from many diseases.

Nowadays, however, there are controversial views on whether or not dried fruits are beneficial to human health.

Rich in Vitamins & Minerals

Dried fruits are worth including in the daily diet because of their unique nutrition value. These small "health tablets" are vitamin-rich in A and B (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6). Unfortunately, when drying fruits the vitamin C content almost disappears.  This shortfall can be corrected by consuming fresh fruits of one's choice.

Dried fruits contain more biologically active agents in comparison with fresh fruit. In fact, dried fruits are a form of "concentrate"  which contains calcium, magnesium, iron and other valuable substances. The calcium found in dried fruits is a necessary component for the favourable appearance and health of hair, nails, and bones.

Magnesium and potassium have a positive impact on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, iron is vital for normal processes in the bloodstream, and cellulose promotes good maintenance of the stomach and all parts of the digestive tract.

Healthy Snack

Dried fruits do not contain harmful refined sugars.  The sweet taste of figs, dates and other dried fruits are naturally present thanks to glucose and fructose in the fruits.

Antioxidants & Antidepressants

Dried fruits not only can help a body to resist stress and to revitalize health as a whole, but can also play a role in fighting depression.


High in Calories & Sugars

One should not be lulled into thinking that dried fruits contain less sugar and calories. The truth is that when drying the water is extracted from a fruit, thus causing it to lose some of its nutrients (disintegration of some unstable vitamins: for example, vitamin C). However, the fruit's natural sugars (glucose and fructose) and calories do not go anywhere. So, in doing the math, if two small fresh apricots have 34 calories, ½ cup of dried apricots has 157 calories.  

Dried fruits should be used with care by people with diabetes. In addition, dried fruits are not recommended for people with excess weight problems.


Many dried fruits may be preserved with sulfur dioxide, a substance which may cause allergic reactions in some people, particularly those with asthma or allergies.  Generally, sulfur dioxide in small amounts is not a problem for most individuals and may help maintain higher levels of vitamin C in the body.

Because dried fruit has lost its water content, eating too much of it can make the intestinal matter more dry, which may cause or worsen constipation.

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Dried Fruits


Dates grow on a palm tree which is very similar to the coconut palm. The mature trees can reach a height of up to 100 feet, with the dates growing in clusters that can contain up to 200 dates and weigh as much as 25 pounds.


Raisins are made from dried, seedless grapes. This common snack food can also be used in puddings, cookies and as a topping in cereals. Raisins are quite high in iron content, with one cup containing nearly 6 mg. This fruit can lower blood pressure, keep the blood healthy and help improve digestion.


This fruit grows on the ficus tree, a member of the mulberry family. Figs are unique in that they have an "eye" or ostiole, which is an opening that is not connected to the tree. Figs are sweet and have a unique taste and chewy texture. Because fresh figs are perishable and very delicate, figs are typically dried, either through an artificial process or by direct exposure to sunlight.


A prune is simply a dried plum. But when you mention the word "prune," almost everyone thinks of this fruit's laxative effect. A few prunes a day are typically good for keeping a body's bowel movements regular. However, many people do not know that prunes are very rich in iron content, containing more iron that any other fruit.

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