

A diuretic is a substance that increases urinary output.

How Diuretics Work

Most herbal diuretics probably work by increasing blood flow to the kidneys and possibly have a slightly osmotic effect through their sugar content.

They are often used as gentle remedies that help to remove toxins and wastes from the blood, including metabolic waste that can accumulate in the joints.

Herbal diuretics are used for:

  • Pain on urination (dysuria) and scanty urination (oliguria), both are common symptoms of urinary tract infection (UTI) and urinary stones;

  • Heart failure and hypertension as an adjunct to treating the heart;

  • Ascites (fluid in the abdomen caused by liver disease);

  • Fluid retention due to PMS;

  • Metabolic joint disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Contradictions/ Cautions

Diuretic herbs should be avoided in kidney disease and diabetes.



  1. Bone, K. (2003). A clinical guide to blending liquid herbs. St. Louis, MO: Churchill Livingstone
  2. Boron, W.F. (2004). Medical Physiology: A Cellular And Molecular Approach. Elsevier:Saunders. pp. 875. ISBN 1-4160-2328-3.

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